Saturday, September 26, 2015


Dekedda Baraawe
Marka aan soo hadal qaadno aafooyinka dagaalada sokeeye u geeysteen wadankeena waxa ugu muhiimsani waa xaalufinta dhirta iyo nabaad guurka deegaanka. Naso beelka iyo rajo la’aanta ku dhacday dad iyo duunyaba waxeey sidoo kalena ku dhacday deegaanka, ganacsato Soomaaliyeed oo aan damiir wanaagsan laheeyn kana naxeeyn mustaqbalka jiilkan joogo iyo kan berriba ayaa uga ganacsatay dhirtii wadanka sida sharciga ka baxsan. Dhulka Soomaaliya oo aad ugu nugul nabaad guurka sababtuna tahay isagoo cimilo ahaan lamadagaan xigeen ah roobkuna ku yaryahay ayaa haddana waxaan loo aabo yeelin jarista dhirta nuucyada ugu muhiimsan ee wadanka ka baxo taas oo sababta in carada kore ee nafaqada leh aay dabeesha iyo cagta noolaha kale ku sameeyaan nabaad guur si sahlan.
Dadka Soomaaliya 62% waxaa lagu qiyaasaa xoolo dhaqato waxaadna dareemi kartaa muhiimadda aay u leedahay ilaalinta dhirta iyo deegaankaba maadaama nolosha dadka Soomaaliyeed saddax meelood labo meel si toos ah ugu xirantahay noloshooda, intakalena si aan toos aheeyn iyagana ugu xiranyihiin.

Taariikhda markii ugu horeeysay 1928-dii waa markii ay bilaabatay diyaarinta dhuxusha waxaana hindisaheeda lahaa gumeestihii Talyaaniga oo dhuxushaas shidaal ahaan ugu isticmaali jiray gaadiiidkiisa. Maamulkii Ingiriiska ee Talyaaniga kala wareegay maxmiyaddii Soomaaliya wuxuu shatiyo ganacsi siiyay shirkado Soomaali ah oo gaarayo ilaa 17, waxaana dhuxushii ugu horeeysay laga dhoofiyo Gobolka Banaadir 1946dii wuxuuna gumeeystuhu oo ogaal jiray ganacsatada in ay dhoofiya xaddi mucayan ah sanadkiiba. Mudadii xornimada 1960 ilaa 1969 waxaa lagu qiyaasay shirkadaha la siiyay shati ganacsi 74 shirkadood, markii Kacaanki la wareegay xukunka waa sii bateen waxaa Gobolka Banaadir kaliya heeystay shati ganacsi 114 shirkadood. Dowladdii Maxamed Siyaad Barre hogaaminayay waxeey mar dambe soo rogtay mamnuucidda dhoofinta dhuxusha waxeeyna wacyigalin u sameeysay dadkii ku hoowlana. Sanadihii 1974 ilaa 1978 waxeey Dowladdii kacaanka siisay ahmiyad xoogan dhoowrista deegaanka iyo duurjoogtaba waxeeyna xoojisay Hey’adihii kushaqada lahaa daaqa qaranka.
Burburki Soomaaliya shirkadaha dhuxusha ka ganacsada ee sameeysmay waxaa lagu qiyaasa 680 shirkadood oo 38 kamid ahi dhoofiyaan dhuxusha.  Laga soo bilaabo 1997 ilaa 2002 dhuxusha Soomaaliya laga dhoofiyay waxaa lagu qiyaasaa 800,000mt ilaa 1,000,000mt sanadkiiba waxaana laga dhoofiyay dhuxushaas Kismaayo, Hobyo, Muqdisho, Bari, Baraawe iyo Ceel-Cadde waxaana loo dhoofiyaa wadama Sudaan, Khaliijka iyo Cumaan ay ka mid yihiin oo u isticmaala in ay ku kulaalaan badeecada ama Shiishadda ay cabaan iyo cunto karinta.
Celcelis ahaan xaabada dadka Soomaaliyeed miyi iyo magaalaba ku shitaan waxaa lagu qiyaa 400,000 mt sanadkiiba, waxeeyna noqoneeysa tirada dhuxusha gudaha lagu isticmaalo iyo tan la dhoofiyo celcelis ahaan 1,200,000mt sanadkiiba, waxaana la jaraa 12,000,000 oo geed sanadkiiba.

Waxyaabaha sababa lamadagaanka
Ugu yaraan kalabar keeymaha adduunka waxa la dhirtii laga jaray lagana dhigay lamadagaan 10,000 sano oo lasoo dhaafay, waxaana cadadka ugu badan dhirtaa la xaalufiyay 50-kii sano ee lasoo dhaafay. Sanad kasta dhulka dhirta la xaalufiyo (Deforestation) wuxuu la egyahay 13.7 Milyan oo hektar (hectares). Waxyaaba loo isticmaalo keeymaha iyo dhirta la xaalufiyay waxaa ka mid ah; (1) Beeraha (Agriculture); Beeraha waa kuwa ugu horeeya ee sabab in keeymaha lagubo lana xaalufiyo si loogu diyaariyo beerashada. Uruka u xilsaaran quruumaha midoobay isbadalka Cimilada iyo katala bixinteeda ee (UNFCCC) wuxuu leeyahay; (i) Beeraleeyda yaryar ee aan badana ganacsi u isticmaalin beerashadooda ee keymaha adduunka guba ama jara waa 48% (Subsistence farming), (ii) Beeraleeyda ganacsatada ah waxeey jaraan dhirta adduunka 34% (commercial agriculture), (iii) Ganacsata ka ganacsata Tiirarka, qalabka dhismaha IWM waxeey keeymaha jaraan 14% (Logging deforestation), (iv) 5% waxaa loo jaraa dhirta adduunka in laga helo xaabo ( fuel wood or firewood deforestation). (2) Deegaameeynta (Settlements); Waxaa adduunka kusoo badanaya koritaanka bini aadama iyo kobaca magaalooyinkaba, waxaana si loo helo deegaan la xaalufiyaa lama degaanna laga dhigaa dhul aad u baaxad weeyn. (3) Carro guur ama Nabaad guur (Soil erosion); Carra guurku waxaa sababa Abaaraha, Kobaca adduunka ee dhul beereedka iyo Dhirta oo lajaro si kastaba ha ku timaadee, waxaana deegaanadaas qabsado Carro buuro noqdo oo aan deegaan iyo tacbashaba ku fiicneeyn.

Dhirta laga jaro dhuxusha
Dadka dhuxusha diyaariyaa uma aabo yeelaan geedaha waxeeyna jiridda ka jaraan geed kasta oo ay isleeyihiin dhuxul ayuu noqon karaa haba ugu badnaadeen geedaha leeysku yiraando geed qodxeedka (Acacia Species) waxaana jiridda hoose laga jaraa geedo aad u farabadan si loo diyaariyo dhuxul aad u badan. Xilayadii wadanka ay ka jireen maamulka iyo kala dambeeynta waxaa loo ogolaa ganacsatada dhuxusha in geedaha ay ka jaraan laamaha si markale looga faa’ideeysto geedka haddase sharcigaasi majiro kaaga darane waxaa la keenay Mashiino loo isticmaalo jarista geedaha oo halkii maalin lagu jari karo 2-4 geed halka waagii hore qofka ka shaqeeyo dhuxusha ku qaadan jirtay diyaarinta iyo googooynta halgeed muddo 5-7 maalin ah badanaa. Geedaha ugu wanaagsan dhuxushana laga diyaariyo waxaa ka mid ah; Qansax; Qurac, Jiiq, Galool, Sarmaan iyo geedo kale oo badan, nasiib darro waxaa dhacday markii laga dhameeyay geedihii dhuxusha in lajaray geed miroodkii sida Cambaha waxaana la sheegaa in ay ka dhacday Gobolka Shabeellada Hoose dhacdadani.

Inkastoo dowladda federaalka ee Soomaaliya mamnuucday kagancsiga iyo dhoofinta dhuxusha haddana waxaa si sharci darro ah looga dhoofiyaa magaalooyinka Kismaayo iyo Baraawe, waxeeyna dowladdu xirtay maamulka Baraawe sababo la xiriiray dhoofinta dhuxusha sanadkii hore.
Dekadda Barawe ayaa waxaa ku riseeysan dhuxul badan oo lagu shiraacay baco ka celiya qoraxda iyo roobkaba waxaana ku yimid burbur maadaama ay muddo tiilay dekadda mana ahan mid gali garto dhoofin xitaa haddey dowladdu fasaxdo sidoo kalena looma rari karo meel kabaxsan Baraawe sida dadka lihi sheegayaan qaarkood waayo kama bixi karto safar waxeeyna u nuglaatay burburitaan.

Ilaalinta deegaanka waxa  ay manaafacaad u leedahay noolaha oo idil, sida uu ibnu aadamku uga hayaamo dhulka lama dagaanka noqdo si la mid ah ayay duur joogtana uga hayaantaa. Xukuumaddii Maxamed Siyaad markeey burburtay dad iyo duunyaba waxa laga qaxay shanqarta xabbadda iyo madaafiicda waxaana tiro badan oo duurjoogtii Soomaaliya galeen wadamada dariska ah, wixii kasoo haray ee keeymaha ku dhuuntayna waa looga daba tagay oo laga xaalufiyay dhirtii iyo keeymihii ay ku noolaayeen ha ahaadeen dugaag, shimbiro iyo xamaarataba. Inkastoo dowladda federaalka ahi iyo maamul goboleedyada qaarkood soo rogeen mamnuucidda jarista dhirta haddana ma jirto awood muuqato oo looga hortagi karo dhibaatadaas lagu hayo dhirta Soomaaliya. Xaaladda wadanku ku suganyahay iminka ma jirto awood ay u leeyihiin hey’adaha u xilsaaran deegaanka iyo duurjoogta xakameeynta xaalufinta lagu hayo dhirta sababtoo ah doowladdii dhexe ee wadanka oo aan awood caga badan laheeyn.

Samatar, Dekadda Barawe

W/Q: Elmi H Samatar
Mogadishu, Somalia

Saturday, September 12, 2015


                                                                                                                                                Feb 7, 2014
Tre-Piano Shoe-Shiners
After couple decades of violence, anarchy and chaos that plunged the country into death, destroy, fleeing, social insane and instability that spread whole Somali regions, now the country is getting security advance that restore the livelihoods of the people, especially in Mogadishu. The load sounds of mortars, and other hazardous weapons that used to wake up Mogadishu’s community usually at midnight and dawn, replaced by the horn of vehicles and the loud sound of youth, who are going to football stadiums and other public amenities.

One of the  Mogadishu shoe shiners, Mohamed said " The only thing that frightens us is the explosion not the bullet round because the bullet round took its time," he added, " In two years before, every hour we heard the sounds of bullets and saw people scattering and rushing quickly, shouting bow down...bow down or lay down... lay down...". although the security is still lax, but there are a big difference and social hope.

The shoe shiners come from the most vulnerable and marginalized groups in Mogadishu’s IDPs, and they don't have good shelter, living in dilapidated huts made of old sacks, clothes, cartoons and sticks that cannot resist them from the fire bullets, rain and sun, are now safe from the gunfire, and they are relaxing the security so far, and the only problem they are expecting is the eviction of landlords or government.

Mohamed, who is a shoe shiner at Km4 area, earns forty thousand Somali shillings every day (approximately 2 dollars), and he contributes the daily meals of his family. Like Mohamed there are a number of street children and shoe shiners who came from the poorest families in IDPs, and host communities, whose dream is learning, but, unfortunately, they do not go to school because their parents cannot afford to pay the school fees. besides, the government implemented “go to school" programs, there are still fewer beneficiaries and the most privileged pupils have no access to these schools.

Abdimalik Hussein Abukar
Another shoe-shiner, Abdimalik Hussein Abukar, orphan and one of Tre Piano shoe shiners is a self-assured and talkative, not timid when it comes to speech and he is free from stuttering, smiling every moment. Abdimalik who is eleven years old is the breadwinner of his family consisting of two brothers, one sister, and a mother, he is strenuous boy and I asked  him how much he earns  a day and how he spent what he earns. Abdimalik said “Mostly I get two to three dollars and I give my mother and once in a blue moon I earn five dollars so that I divide into two parts, giving one part to my mother and the rest I keep it as a hoard because you may not get  anything tomorrow and the family needs is permanent".

Abdimalik and his siblings were born in a Gawurow village in Lower Shabelle, now his family is resident in a Sarkusta Afgoye corridor which lies outskirt of Mogadishu; his father died years before in Merka capital of Lower Shabelle and the consequence of this caused his family to move to Mogadishu as an IDPs. Abdimalik said in stutter-less voice “I am eager to go to school and Madarasa but unfortunately, my mother cannot afford to pay the school and I gave up for studying". Abdimalik and his friends carpool every morning from their homes (IDPs Camp) to KM4 area where they work as shoe shiners and they pay 8000 So.Sh ($0.40 cents) to public bus to go and back per person.

After more than twenty years, the war victims and marginalized society in Somalia, especially south and central those got rid of clan rivalries, the greediness of warmongers, internal and external aggressions don't see still any durable solutions towards their life prosperity, and they cannot predict what their future will be.

In conclusion, the long-lasting turmoil in Somalia caused a substantial loss of community development and destruction of all governmental infrastructures. The education which is the cornerstone of every developed nation is lost in the civil war, and there are no any running mentionable public schools. 

Elmi Samatar

Wednesday, September 2, 2015


Most of the African countries got their sovereignty from the colonialists after 1960s, but, unfortunately, there is no single African country led by a good leader. The African leaders abstain for the implement of good governance, steadfast ruling, and power sharing as well as considering the thoughts of the opposing parts. Instead of that, they tempted their supporters and deluded the youths by false promises and revamp. The notorious character of African leaders is the reprisal of opposition leaders and social activists, who criticize their way of ruling, and always preempt the society from integration, harmony, and pluralism.

The African leaders presumed that they are not subjected to the law, whilst in the constitution of every country elucidate and enlightens that “No one is above the law”. From janitor to the president of the nation every person should be under the law. The African leaders make their families feel as they are in Elysium while others are starving in an emaciated condition without feeling embarrassment and touring every month for tourism. They use the most expensive luxury cars, buy real states outside of their countries, invest foreign countries, and visit the most expensive hospitals for checking only while their people are lacking for primary health care and sometimes take the pregnant mother to stride hours or days to the nearest clinic. All kinds of corruption and mismanagement plagued through the divisions, regions, and states.

The consequences of practicing the bad governance caused the immigration of thousands of African youths, those who put their lives at risk as they go on vehicles from their countries crossing the largest African Sahara and the harshest place on earth. Most of the migrants lost their lives on the hazardous trip and those who survive will not survive the hands of the Libyan smugglers. The youths decide the migration of perilous journeys through several countries before their embarking on a boat from Libya to Europe, while all these types of journey begin with hope, but often end with despair and anguish.

Almost threshold of the immigrants capsized every year with the odyssey trip expecting a new life in Europe, and green pasture in the future.  The reasons behind of the unsound decision on immigration are all means of corruption existing in their countries, where only one group of same ideologies rules the country; they are the executors, judges and lawmakers. This group can detain you, arrest you and keep you in prison without a court for years. In the contemporary world, leadership is the kind of influencing people, inspiring and motivating them to engage with appropriate visions. In short, leaders bring people together and do the things they want, whilst leader is someone who leads others and advocates for positive change with clear future visions. It’s is not the phenomena of creating disputes, rivalries and grudges among the people for the sake of personal gains.

The antidote needed to treat the African leaders is not yet produced; that is why they do the evil deeds and lives with impunity, that is why they decide the decisions they dreamt and the people can’t dare to demonstrate freely, and that is why they enforce the promulgation of new constitution without endorsement of the people and opposing leaders.

This epilogue is intended to enlighten to the presidents and state officers of the African continent to give up the context of “one man’s rule” by implementing the decentralization system, practicing of affirmative action and giving opportunities to the members or oppositions that have not been treated fairly in the past and this is the fundamental of the good governance.

Elmi H Samatar

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