The Somali Nation Youth Conference held in Mogadishu between 17th to 19th Dec 2017 and gathered about 500 youth participants across the Somali regions. This conference held by the ministry of youth and sport of the federal government of Somalia and its international partners because of the finalization of the National Youth Policy and seeking the final contributions of the youth while all the decisions made will affect the youth. One of the points discussed during the conference was the illegal migration and how can this policy help the youth abstain from trafficking and perishing their lives on the odysseys and all risks involved.
The conference included a high-level representative from the United Nations and the international partners. The UN Secretary-General’s Envoy on Youth, Jayathma Wickramanayake who paid her first visit to the continent attended the opening of the conference and welcomed the launch of the new policy. In her remarks, Jayathma stressed that youth policy without a budget is just mental exercises and it’s important to convert the youth policy into action. In an interview with the envoy, she said “My recommendation to the government is to ensure effective implementations of the youth policy, it’s easy to get something on paper but, it’s difficult to translate that into action and it’s important to coordinate better of other ministries, with the UN, with youth organizations, young people, civil society organizations, and international and national actors for the effective implementations of the policy and to really make sure that young people voices are heard through out the process not just consultations before the policy and my recommendation to the young people would be to keep demand for that space”.
While the inequality, unemployment, nepotism, favoritism, and all the blind alley chosen by the youth is the reason behind why youth immigrate, the minister of youth pledged in her speech that the ministry will implement vocational skill training schools that can spur the youth to earn in their home followed by a vast job creation to the young people. One of the participants said, “Young people migrate without hope and despair and it’s not all about jobless”.
To combat the illegal migration, the Nation Youth Policy (NYP) will organize and encourage equal employment opportunities and it creates an atmosphere that youth can choose either to stay or migrate. The essential actions needed to fight migration that NYP enlightened are;
i. Formation of national policy on youth employment
ii. Implementing TVET schools (Technical and Vocational Education and Training) compatible with the market.
iii. Encouraging youth to generate different ideas for the intent of future realization.
iv. Creation of counseling youth centers that can motivate and uplift youth ambitions
v. Implementing free and fair job sites that youth can browse available positions in order a special group or clique do not benefit the public jobs.
vi. Finally, spreading the danger of illegal migration to various media outlets and broadcasting to the youth for the available positions they can contest to.
As article 3.5.3 of the NYP of the second strategy of combating illegal migration summarizes, one of the best strategy is the return of diaspora communities to invest their country, organizing annual conference on youth development while diaspora will narrate in front of the youth for the real life in abroad, encouraging diaspora youth to voluntarily return to their home and share their skills with local youth, workshops and exchange of notes to encourage diaspora youth to integrate with locals, and in generally broadcasting migration torment films inline with encouraging diaspora investments.
Finally, the youth representatives, the ministry of youth and sport of the federal government of Somalia, and international partners discern together that illegal migration is not the final solution and it’s all about putting yourself into a risk that you can’t manage once you involve.