The controversy of Somalia’s decentralization
In 2004 Somalia adopted a federal system. One of the objectives of the Transitional Federal Government (TFG), which was created in Nairobi, Kenya, was to create a decentralized administration system. The TFG was envisaged to federate Somalia two years after the date of its creation and after a federal commission committee was established. Despite the concern of the citizens, who didn’t vote on whether they wanted such a system, there has been a lot of debate about implementing the federal system. Most people believe that this idea is driven by countries that are not similar with Somalia in terms of economics, culture, and education. The clan rivalries that have been taking place since 1991 when the country lost its strong central government and the main reason for the inter-clan clashes was, disputes over territory. When the country adopted the federal system, the existing territory grievances between the clans exacerbated and worsened. The current federal system is based on clan (4.5), which means four major clans and others (0.5). Every clan has formed his own autonomous state and the clashes between the states are continuing. In addition, the federal system oppressed the 0.5 clans, or what they call others. The others (0.5) are not powerful clans and they were not consulted in the state formations and didn’t also get the quota they deserved in the regional states.
The argument of those who don’t believe in decentralization;
Most Somalis are opposed to federating Somalia and they are expressing their concerns in the mass media, both print and broadcast. The people who opposed the current decentralization of power have strong and concrete evidence that Somalia can’t be federated now. Their arguments can be summarized as 1) these people believe that the federation will bring no benefit to Somalia except economic loss 2) the territorial fighting between clans will continue while Somalia is insisting on federating Somalia because the current government has no effective integrated army that can take control the country and every administrative state or autonomous state has its own militia. 3) Applying the federal system is very expensive. 4) This argument is that the federation needs a lot of resources and knowledge and the current government is based on international organization and UN donations and it can’t even pay its employees and instead the international community is paying the country’s civil servants and the national army. 5) The formed states and the developing ones are based on clan and every clan has its own regional state which totally is opposed to the theory of federalism. The federation has no reliable solutions for the Somali people, despite death and destruction, and this is what is currently going on Galka’yo region, in which two regional states are contesting the control of the city and the inhabitants are being killed and displaced by the militia of both administrations. 6) Federating Somalia will have bad implications for the resilience and stabilization of the country. 7) Lastly, Somalis are a people who share one culture, religion, and lineage and what they need is a strong central government. The other concern Somalis have expressed is that the economy would be much worse than it is now because every regional state will collect its own taxes and customs and the traders that pass through one state to another will be levied much taxes. This will make it very expensive for their commodities and poverty will increase.
The argument of the centralization opponents
The centralization opponents are very few, according to the general perceptions of the people regarding the federal system. The main reason they are supporting the federal system is that; 1) they said: “the federal system is more democratic than centralization.” 2) The public will participate in the governance process and have a chance to say in the decisions affecting them. 3) Public voting, signing petitions, and the impeachment of those who violate the law are the only chance of the federal government. 3) The other reason why federalism is important is the separation of power, improvement of justice, and even economic development.
Although Somalia has population of over 15 million, and little in the way of resources, most of its citizens believe that federalism is not the solution to the country’s problems and believe that the international community and some of the functional leaders that are still strong in politics and have an interest in federation are compelling people whom they didn’t ask for their consent about the change as well the fate of their own nation.
Elmi Hassan Samatar